September 2023

September 2023

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 19, 2023

Organizational Meeting

The Prairie Land Public School Division trustees assembled on Tuesday, September 19 for the Board annual organizational meeting. Trustees accepted specific roles and responsibilities for the upcoming school year as follows:

a. H. Smith was elected Board Chair, and M. Tkach elected Vice-chair.
b. Negotiating Committee – S. Battle, H. Smith, M. Tkach & S. MacPherson (Alternate)
c. Discipline Committee – S. Davies, K. Macfarlane & S. MacPherson
d. Scholarship Committee – L. Bond, S. Davies & J. Ference
e. Executive Committee – S. MacPherson, H. Smith, & M. Tkach
f. Support Staff Liaison – L. Bond & H. Smith
g. TBAC – S. Battle & M. Tkach
h. Health & Wellness Committee – J. Ference & H. Smith (Alternate)
i. Indigenous Committee – S. Battle & M. Tkach (Alternate)
j. Audit Committee – J. Ference, K. Macfarlane & M. Tkach
k. Alberta School Boards Association Zone 5 representative – H. Smith/S. MacPherson
l. Public School Boards Council representative – M. Tkach/H. Smith (Alternate)
m. Teachers Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) – M. Tkach
n. Rural Caucus Committee – S. MacPherson/S. Battle (Alternate)

Board meetings will be held on either the third or fourth Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at Prairie Land central office. The 2023-2024 Board meeting scheduled can be seen at

2022-2023 Scholarship Recipients

Ida Fielding BursaryJordan Longeway
James Wright
J.C. Charyk Hanna
J.C. Charyk Hanna
Kush Memorial Trista Greenslade J.C. Charyk Hanna
Pioneer Homestead Bursary Carson SortlandConsort
PLRD AchievementNife Abayomi
Holly Karg
Elizabeth King
Hope Christian
J.C. Charyk Hanna
J.C. Charyk Hanna
PLRD DistinctionEmma Nelson
Trinity Thornton
J.C. Charyk Hanna
PLRD Education Piper BattleDelia
Special Areas #2 Education Bursary
(Estate of Orlin Graham Pearce)
Vanessa Hadwin
Chance Scott
J.C. Charyk Hanna
The Prairie Land Board of Trustees would like to congratulate and send best wishes to all the successful candidates.

For additional information please contact: Cam McKeage, Superintendent of Schools, Prairie Land Public School Division 403.854.4481