Prairie Land’s Non Negotiables
- In Prairie Land, we do NOT give up on our students. We do everything within our abilities to ensure that every student we teach is successful.
- In Prairie Land, we do NOT yell at or demean our students. We create positive, trusting, and respectful relationships because it is critical to enhance a safe and caring environment where optimal learning can occur.
- In Prairie Land, we do NOT use only one type of teaching strategy. We know that students learn differently and providing a variety of teaching strategies allows for learning for all. Specifically, we do NOT use strategies such as giving long periods of note taking where students robotically copy word for word what is on the board as we realize that long periods of this type of lecture teaching is not the best method to promote student learning.
- In Prairie Land, we are NOT stagnant educators. We are life-long learners because we are professionals who understand the need for constant growth as we improve our teaching craft.
- At Prairie Land, we do NOT sit in our desks for long periods of time. We interact and engage with our students during the learning process.
- At Prairie Land, we do NOT disregard or minimize student input in the learning process. We provide a welcoming, participatory environment where students have a vested stake in the learning process to create improved engagement and ultimately, improved student learning.
- At Prairie Land, we are NOT punitive nor do we promote top-down ideologies. We understand there is a need for consequences but we do not use punitive approaches that be-little or embarrass students as a means of trying to shape future behaviors.
- At Prairie Land, we promote and foster student dreams and aspirations. We know our students’ dreams as this not only strengthens our relationships with students, but also allows us opportunities to link meaningful connections to daily lesson plans.