February 2023

February 2023

Board of Trustees Meeting

February 28, 2023

Prairie Land Fine Arts Initiative
Prairie Land recognizes the importance of Fine Arts education and is dedicated to ensuring all students across our division have access to authentic experiences that will ignite and foster their passion in the arts. Holly Stanger has been working with talented artists in our community who are excited to share their expertise with Prairie Land schools. These local artists have created workshops that may be delivered online or in person to students across the division. There is currently 28 potential workshops for teachers to access in the fields of drama, musical theatre, dance, digital media, graffiti and visual arts.

Prairie Land Annual Education Results Report
The Board adopted the 2021 – 2022 Annual Education Results Report (AERR). Prairie Land’s Education Plan focuses on teaching and learning, health and wellness, culture and inclusivity, and engagement and community. Prairie Land’s results can be accessed at
AERR 2021-2022.

Support of Consort Baseball Diamond
The Board of Trustees passed a motion to provide the Village of Consort $150,000 for the
construction of a new artificial turf ball diamond (and reassess support in June if additional dollars are available). The Neutral Hills Wranglers in addition to Consort Minor Ball and Consort School will all benefit from this initiative.

For additional information please contact: Cam McKeage, Superintendent of Schools, Prairie Land Public School Division 403.854.4481